"There I will sing all their names!"

Mar 25, 2007 15:53

I recently finished "The Drawing of the Three", second installment in the "Dark Tower" series. It started out slow for me, personally--I can't believe it took 100 pages to get Eddie from that damn plane into Mid-World, but it picks up considerable steam thereafter. It seems like King devoted equal space to introducing both Eddie and Odetta/Detta/Susannah, and as is his wont, did a marvelous job of creating whole, fully fleshed, and realistic characters in a fraction of the space some writers do.

It really says something about how good a writer King is that he could take Roland, the "baddest killing machine in the known universe" (as
Nick) put it, and make for him a credible threat out of a legless schizophrenic woman. ;)

Very good stuff, all told. Can't wait to pick up the next volume.

friends, dark tower, fun, new to do, reading, books
