Last night
Greg and I went out for dinner in Adams Morgan. We stopped by
DCAC to check out
Amy Lin's exhibit. I like her work--it's an evocative example of minimalist art at its finest, and it reminds me of the DNA helix. :) Her paintings are actually affordable too. :)
I say this every time, but I can't say it enough: Greg is a good friend and a wonderful dinner companion. We can talk about anything from "puppy dog syndrome," to whether or not Baltar is a Cylon, to the intricacies of Medicaid and never feel like it's a wasted moment. I love him to death and am delighted to know him.
I checked my upcoming agenda for the week, and it's packed to the fullest with hella niceness. Let's see:
MediaBistro party at the 18th Amendment.
Washington Blogger Meetup Group, The Return: Rob and Pat have gotten the band back together to decide what we're going to do with the group in 2007. I heartily recommend everyone who blogs in D.C. to attend. I'll certainly be there. ; )
January Blogger Happy Hour: It's two, two, two blog meetups in one. Attending this blog meetup won't
bring back your goddamn honey, but I promise you'll have a good time nonetheless. ;)
Saturday: Requiem for Vitae in MD, and possibly celebrating my birthday a few days early over at a certain gathering of ill repute if I'm not too tired. :)
Needless to say, with all of this on my plate, I'm taking it easy this weekend and not doing a damn thing.