Sep 16, 2006 12:10
Getting home from work yesterday, I stopped to pick up my mail and was greeted by a long-time resident of my building. She's in her 50's, I think, very matronly, nice, and more than a bit on the heavy side.
We exchange pleasantries and I turn around to get my letters. "Hey," she suddenly says, "you've lost some weight!"
"Yes, I have! Thank you for noticing."
"When I was walking up, I noticed there was a lot less of you back there than before," she says, waving her cane and indicating my behind in no uncertain terms.
I had a two-tier response to this. Externally, I said, "Well, I appreciate the compliment." Internally, it was more along the lines of "Well, I appreciate the compliment OHMYGOD SHE WAS CHECKING MY ASS OUT WAUUUUGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"
I have a renewed respect for what women go through on a daily basis, that's for damn sure. :)
Coming up next, a study in the social dynamics of blogger happy hours and why guarding women's items is a sure path to emasculation. :)
teh funny,
oh noes,
like whoa