Things go well in the realm of Boztopia, for the most part:
Nick gave me a wonderful holiday present of Adobe Acrobat 6.0. Finally, editable PDF's again. Good tidings.
I got my new
GBX boots two days ago. These boots are, to coin a phrase, "the sex." They feel so comfortable on my feet I want to knock boots while wearing them.
I may have cobbled together the funds to pay my tax debt for the IRS once and for all. Thanks to some arcane trickery and wonderful last-minute support from
Mom and Dad, the end is almost in sight.
I got my offer letter signed and sent back today. There's something gleefully subversive about using the current job's copier to send in the paperwork for your new job. By the way, the offer letter was two days late because the idiot HR gofer forgot that my e-mail addy is not martinbosworth [at]gmail[dot]com, but martinHbosworth[at]gmail[dot]com. For want of a letter, my job could've been lost. ;)
We got out of work crazy early today, so I came home and cranked out a great article for "Serenity" on DVD....
....and got a $50 photo ticket from the DC MPD.
Sigh. :)
Well, if that's my biggest problem, life is good indeed. I suppose that's karmic balance for narrowly avoiding a speeding ticket last evening on the way to game. :)
Best wishes and holiday cheer to y'all. Call me if you're bored and want to hang out, and otherwise enjoy the festivities, fun, frolic, and whatever other activities you enjoy that start with the letter "F."