Birthday Wish List

Jan 11, 2010 13:07, Barnes & Noble, Barnes and Noble, Birthday, Causecast, Charity Water, community, Creative Commons, Facebook, money, stuff, The Free Software Foundation Open Left, Wikipedia
Usually when my birthday rolls around, I never ask people to get me presents. I’m perfectly capable of shopping for myself, and I always feel bad asking people to buy things for me, especially when I know times are hard and, bluntly, I make decent money while others do not.

But this year is the big 3-5, and unfortunately, my birthday proper falls on a Monday, so I can’t really celebrate it the way I’d like to. And, again being blunt, I’ve had a tough year and feel like being indulged. So, to wit, here are my Amazon and Barnes & Noble wish lists. I’ve prioritized the stuff I really want, and I believe both stores eliminate items from lists as they’re purchased, so there shouldn’t be any missteps if you guys trample all over each other trying to get me crap.

If you’re in a more charitable mode, there are numerous organizations I support that would benefit greatly from a donation in my name. They include Open Left, The Electronic Frontier Foundation, Creative Commons, Wikipedia, The Free Software Foundation, Causecast, and Charity Water. I also have several causes on Facebook you can donate to.

Whatever you choose to buy for me or donate in my name is greatly appreciated and will make my impeding slide into senility that much more enjoyable.
