essential Sunfell today linked to a post from
former Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich on how the central cause of America’s economic collapse has been the wealth transfer from the many to the few:
As a result, typical Americans have run out of coping mechanisms to keep up their standard of living. That means there’s not enough purhasing power in the economy to buy all the goods and services it’s producing. We’re finally reaping the whirlwind of widening inequality and ever more concentrated wealth.
The comments on Sunfell’s post get into the masochistic level of obssession Americans have with hard work, a favorite topic of mine for the incredible bullshit it is. How many times in a day do you hear someone complaining about XYZ issue because it’s harming “hard-working Americans?” I’m surprised that hasn’t become our official title-the United States of Hard-Working America, because that’s what we’ve become.
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