Donald Rumsfeld,
George Tenet,
George W. Bush,
John Bolton,
John Roberts,
Ken Melhman,
Mike Brown,
Monica Goodling,
Paul Light,
Samuel Alito“All I ever wanted to do was serve this president…”
- Former Gonzales aide
Monica Goodling, from testimony obtained by Congressional investigators regarding her improper activities at the Justice Department
“They reflect a decline in the Bush foreign policy agenda,” he said. “No matter how hard Condi Rice works, this administration’s foreign policy has pretty much run its course.”
-NYU professor Paul Light on the
mass resignations, firings, and leaves of absence plaguing the Bush administration
One of the things that galls me the most about this most corrupt and brutally political of presidencies is how little payback we, the people, are ever really going to see for the terrible things they have done. Goodling just
cut a deal to sing about her superiors, for example. George “Slam Dunk” Tenet is earning a healthy career as a
war profiteer while using his so-called “book” to
shift the blame off him for bullshit intelligence reports and a miserable, bloody, pointless war. Most of the folks in the aforementioned articles have run back to the cushy private-sector consultancies they originally held or are laying low to avoid even the slightest possibility of being brought forth and held accountable. (Have you seen Donald Rumsfeld lately?)
And these are just the ones we hear about. How many mid-level analysts, officers, career Feds, and such have gone that we don’t know about? How many offices are empty? How much necessary work will be left unfinished?
What we’re witnessing is the inversion and collapse of Ken Mehlman’s
“George Bush Empire.” And that’s the sheer arrogance of it. These people believed they would rule forever, or at least assure continued GOP dominance of all three branches of government for a long time. We’ve beaten them out of the legislative and look poised to do so in the executive, but the presence of those smirking twits Roberts and Alito on the high court ensure we will have to deal with at least one legacy of this collapsed junta for decades to come. They have hollowed out our government and turned it into a dessicated corpse, bereft of any dignity or purpose beyond the propagation of their own power and bullshit beliefs.
It’s a bitter comfort, but probably the only comfort we get is seeing how quickly these scum turn on each other. And yet to me, that is not enough. My boy
Drew said that he hopes Bush lives long enough to see his legacy be enshrined as our worst President ever. I think we, as citizens, have to do all we can to see that it is so. We need to hound these people, every moment of every day, on the Web, in print, on TV, on radio, and anywhere else we can. People like Mike Brown, John Bolton, Claude Allen, Ken Mehlman, etc., should not be able to go anywhere or say anything without having the millstone that is the Decider hung around their necks.
We let this nest of vipers sleep too closely to our breasts, and we’re poisoned for generations as a result. I say some payback is well-deserved and more than in order.