Bethany Moore,
Blogging Against Theocracy,
David Neiwert,
Gary Bauer,
James Dobson,
Jesus Christ,
Monica Goodling,
Rachel Paulose,
The National Association of Evangelicals,
Tony Perkins reading this article about the
sudden resignations of the staff surrounding Rachel Paulose-US Attorney, enfant terrible, Abu Gonzales protege and BFF to hacktacular goddess
Monica Goodling, I was struck by this quote:
Four of her top staff voluntarily demoted themselves Thursday, fed up with Paulose, who, after just months on the job, has earned a reputation for quoting Bible verses and dressing down underlings.
This is another example of the most subtle and insidious damage the Republican alliance with the evangelical movement has done to this country-they have stocked our government at every level with worthless, inexperienced authoritarian cronies who espouse the worst principles of the Bible and ignore the best. Their only gods are loyalty, power, obeisance, and self-perpetuation. It will take YEARS to undo all the damage these people are doing to our laws, our rules, our culture, and our spirit as a nation.
I think we are seeing signs that, with the collapse of the Bush regime, that the evangelical movement is fracturing, and many groups are regaining the principles that religion really stands for. People are remembering that
Jesus healed the sick and stood up for the poor. The National Association Of Evangelicals faced off against heavyweights like James Dobson, Tony Perkins, and Gary Bauer
over global warming-and didn’t flinch. Many evangelical groups and individuals are waking up to realize that they’ve been used by their leaders, manipulated to turn out at the polls and then forgotten about until the next election cycle.
But like a wounded lion, that makes the hard-right Dominionist/corporatist alliance the most dangerous. And that is when they are the most
poised to strike back.
This weekend is for
Blogging Against Theocracy, a cause I strongly support. America’s greatest strength is its welcoming arms to people of all faiths and beliefs. Evangelicals, Protestants, Jews, Muslims, Wiccans, and everything else you can think of-here we have a country more than big enough to accommodate all points of view and let beliefs guide people as they wish, in accordance with the laws and respecting each other’s rights.
America is not a theocracy. Don’t let it become one.
For further reading on this topic, I recommend the works of people like
sunfell, and especially
enlightened77, who has done yeoman work with
First Freedom First in their fight to maintain the separation of church and state.
I also recommend
David Neiwert and company for their incredible chronicling of the rise of the authoritarian movement in this country and how it ties to the Dominionist dream of holy war.