Bush Hearts Abu

Mar 20, 2007 21:19

http://boztopia.com/?p=49Alberto Gonzales, Donald Rumsfeld, John Ashcroft, Karl Rove, Politico, Republican National Committee, Republican National Convention, twoo wuvhttp://boztopia.com/?p=49#comments
So as bloggers and citizen journalists gleefully dig into the massive document dump related to the prosecutor purge, Bush has sent a message of twoo wuv to his good buddy Abu Gonzales.

Remember, of course, that he said the same things about Rumsfeld right until he shanked him.

I love the Politico’s especially vapid and insiderish take on the issue:

A main reason Gonzales is finding few friends even among Republicans is that he has long been regarded with suspicion by conservatives who have questioned his ideological purity. In the past, these conservatives warned the White House against nominating him for the Supreme Court. Now they’re using the controversy over the firing of eight federal prosecutors to take out their pent-up frustrations with how he has handled his leadership at Justice and how the White House has treated Congress. Complaints range from his handling of immigration cases to his alleged ceding of power in the department to career officials instead of movement conservatives.

Wait, so Abu Gonzales is “insufficiently partisan?” Man, that morsel has Karl Rove written all over it. Seriously, if the guy who’s been doing his level best to surpass John Ashcroft for sheer cronyist incompetence and disregard for ethics isn’t enough for the faithful, they might as well start hauling out the loyalty tests at the RNC now.

There’s something compelling about watching these scum turn on each other, isn’t there?

surveillance, donald rumsfeld, twoo wuv, republicans, george w. bush, republican national committee, journalism, karl rove, law of the jungle, privacy, democrats, politico, fraud, government, republican national convention, stupid things i read on the internets, lies, john ashcroft, alberto gonzales
