It's Lights Out, Game Over.
If you wanna you can check my stats.
It's Lights Out, Game Over.
Make way cause the kings is back.
Man, it's pretty easy to take part in a
24-hour LJ content boycott when you've been busier than 100 black mules from Mexico and don't have time to post a damn thing. But this isn't an April Fool's joke. I really am back.
Respect I earned, started with the clique that i hang.
Respect I earned, ever since i got in this game.
Respect I earned, never wanting fortune or fame.
* Work has been keeping me incredibly busy. If you ever hear anyone saying--or find yourself saying--that DC government employees are lazy, shiftless, and
watch porn all day, I promise you that we're holding it down for everyone who actually wants some good return on their tax dollars. The job is great, don't get me wrong--I love it and it's everything I could've asked for. It just keeps me on my toes. As a result, I've not had much time to blog or do much of anything else, so when I have free time, I try to make the most of it.
* For example, thanks to a serendipitious invitation from
Gina, I attended the
Digital Democracy forum last week, sponsored by my alma mater's alumni association. It was a great time--I made some good connections and ran into a former classmate who's metamorphosed into
quite a famous blogger in her own right. The discussion itself was cool--nothing I didn't already know, but it's gratifying to see the rest of the world catching up to my ideals of what the Internet can achieve in terms of transformational political and social involvement. Oh, and
Gigi Sohn is not only an absolute pistol in person, but she's a BU alum as well.
* I also attended my first
Blogger Meetup in quite some time, and was pleased to spend time in the company of such luminaries as
the Hammer of the Gods, the
wonderful Global Chameleon, the
always-reliable Pat, the
lovely Bridal Bird, Meetup mistress
Jadxia, and the DC blog scene's
resident sex symbol Joe Logon.
* If that were not enough, while I didn't actually attend the
Take Back America conference (even though it was held right across from my pad), I hit numerous other gatherings and fundraisers and got to hobnob with the leading lights of the progressive blogosphere. To be in the company of such smart, accomplished people--and have a few of them recognize my work as worthy--was a truly awesome and humbling experience.
* Since my time was limited, I maxed out what opportunities I had and produced some of my better work of late. You can, for instance, read about my comparison of Hank Paulson's financial overhaul plan to
rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic, or my relation of murderous madman Anton Chigurh to
unbridled anarcho-capitalism. If you're also inclined, you can read about how Comcast is willing to
work with BitTorrent instead of blocking users' access, or
one woman's story of identity theft.
* Finally, I had occasion to finish George Soros' amazing book
"The Age Of Fallibility." I do not exaggerate when I say this was one of the best, most life-changing books I've ever read. In a compact 200-or-so pages, Soros effectively enumerates my
entire life philosophy and provides a concrete roadmap for what the U.S. can and must do to rebuild its moral authority and lead the world into a new and better model of interaction, development, and global growth. Knowing that a guy like that foresaw forty years ago what we're going through now, and still has hope that we're gonna get through it, gives me hope in return. I can't recommend this book highly enough.
See me as a pre'me but I'm not and my nuts big
I don't know what the fuss Is, my career is illustrious
My rep is impeccable; I'm not to be fucked with
with, shit, let that bitch breathe
* Given all this cool stuff, I've been inspired to take more steps on launching my own platform and becoming truly independent as a writer, not beholden to any one content provider. I can't reveal all the specifics yet, but it'll be ready soon, and I promise you, it'll bring everything you like about what I do--politics, comics, music, movies, television, opinion--and vault it to the next level.
* So, yes, that means I'll be faithfully recapping the return of the
Last Great Show On Television, and there will be much discussion of
who is and who isn't a Skrull as much as there will be the 2008 election, the war in Iraq, our crumbling economy, and a million other issues. If there's one thing I've learned over my few weeks in exile, it's that you have to accept a person as they are, fully, embracing all of their contradictions, flaws, dichotomies, and odd quirks. For me, this means bringing all of my various interests back under the same umbrella and sharing them with the widest possible audience. Whereas I once divided my many occupations and hobbies among several blogs, now I'm condensing it all back into one tasty party mix.
Success, McLaren, women staring
My villain appearance sacred blood of a king
and my vein ain't spilling
Ghetto Othello, Sugar Hill Romello
Camaro driven, I climax from paper
and ask why is life worth living?
Is it to hunt for the shit that you want?
To receive's great, but I lust giving
This is me, and I'm back. And if you made it through that whole epic without getting rickrolled, you get a cookie. ;)