
Jan 07, 2008 12:27

One of the promises I made to myself was to travel more this year. I haven't been any farther than New Jersey or Delaware in two years, and I want to see more of the world before I'm too old and settled to really appreciate it. Now that I have a solid, steady job with some very good income and my financial issues are behind me, it's time to live it up.

I got an invitation to go to Boston University's Winterfest alumni celebration this month, and that seemed to be a good impetus. I missed my 10-year reunion last year thanks to tax drama, so this seemed to be a good way to make up for that. Not only that, the event falls right on the weekend of my birthday (Jan.25), and spending a few days in good ol' Beantown would be a nice way to celebrate.

I know it's been a while since I've flown, but cot damn, is flying expensive these days. It's not even the roundtrip prices themselves, but all the stupid taxes and fees piled on in addition. Nothing like a terrorism-fueled airline subsidy to support a dying business at customer expense. Couple that with the expense to stay in a decent hotel and we're looking at the better part of $1000 for a four-day stay--AND all the flights go out of Dulles, which is one of the worst airports since the concept was invented.

Plus, since when is 2,275 miles not enough to cover the distance between Boston and DC? So much for my Safeway/United mileage total.

Still, it's salvageable--I get an alumni discount from the hotel I want to stay at, and I'm willing to forgive JetBlue for selling passenger data if I can score a good deal with them.

On the other hand, do I really want to risk taking a big trip right in the middle of a Mercury retrograde? That just screams for a cosmic ass-buggery.

friends, birthday, travel, new to do, snark, lj, oh noes
