As proof of the law of karmic conservation, the same day I got word of
my new job was when I got hit with the death plague that has claimed many of my friends of late (including
ashoe and
apathys_girl). After a week of coughing, hacking, and feeling like my chest was stuck in a C-clamp, today I snagged a lucky-break appointment with a nurse-practitioner right up the street.
1 bottle of amoxicillin, plus nasal spray and Mucinex: $35.15
1 consultation: $95.00
Laser-beam eyesex with intensely hot green-eyed, black-haired MILF nurse specialist: Priceless
It's important you know this.
Anyway, tomorrow I start the new job, so I'll be in stealth mode for most of the day while I go through orientation, fill out forms, etc. They've already got my e-mail address and phone number set up, but I'm expecting delays nonetheless. You know how it goes. :)
It's going to be weird adjusting back to a regular 9-to-5 schedule after so long. I expect I'll have fewer difficulties getting back into the mindset, since this looks to be a much more slow-paced job than my previous gig. I'm sure in time I'll have things to complain about, but the bloom is not off the rose just yet. It's surreal to me still-after months of pursuing this and months more of disappointments, the idea of getting all I want and more besides is amazing.
I need to get more used to that. ;)
Since this post is mostly devoid of substance, have a playlist composed of my recent downloads from Amazon's new MP3 service:
"It's Okay (One Blood)," The Game featuring Junior Reid
"King Of The Stereo," Saliva
"Ape 2 Angel," Pitch Black (NZ)
"Last Man Standing," Hybrid
"Ka-Boom, Ka-Boom," Marilyn Manson
"Join In The Chant," Nitzer Ebb