I just found out that the nonprofit job I wanted--the one I turned down two solid job offers for (weird as they were)--is passing me over.
I knew something was wrong the moment I went into the interview. The communications director really didn't seem to like me. I don't know what I could have said or done to piss that guy off, but the whole interview was tinged with this wary sort of antagonism towards me.
I should've known it was a flop when he said he'd ask me to take a writing test or want more samples of my work. Or maybe I was too pushy. I dunno.
It's really depressing. This would have been my dream job, second only to the ACLU position, and they decided I wasn't worthy. And the worst part--the thing that really irks me--is that I'll never know why. I suppose I could call over there and demand some kind of explanation, but would they tell me the truth? Doubtful.
demonfafa, thanks for trying. I never would have gotten as far as I did without your help. Much appreciated.