Yes, Virginia, There Was A Happy Hour....

Jun 18, 2007 12:03

and I ended up going. I wasn't sure if I would, since a lot of people I like to see were out of town or doing other things, but in the end, it was a Friday evening and I had time to kill, so why not?

I busted out my new rust-red Ermenegildo Zegna dress shirt and my favorite black suit, since I figured it was time to step the fashion game up. It won kudos from no less than the once and future Blog Queen, Kathryn.

I spent most of my time hanging out with this sweet newbie femme blogger who I think is named Janet, but my memory otherwise is blacked out utterly. She described herself as a "mommy blogger without the kid," but apart from that, my failure is complete. I also ran into someone who seemed to know me quite well and loves my "Heroes" recaps, but that Alzheimer's is kicking in something fierce. If I've met you and I forget, please don't take offense--I can barely remember who I am from day to day, let alone who you are. ;)

I DO remember meeting Smart Tart, who is a very engaging and lively political/feminist writer--we need more of those in the blogosphere, so I put her on my link list to get the name out. I also recall hanging out with Average Jane, who is anything but, and INPY officially dubbed me "Big Sexy," which is inevitable when you think about it. ;) He gets the link love too. Quite an interesting guy.

That sexay picture of Kassy and V is thanks to yours truly, by the way. Not only are they hawt to death, but the resemblance is eerie. ;)

blogosphere, meetup, new to do, like whoa, friends, bloggers, lj, the internets
