A totally silly post in which I rant, bake, rant and run...

Feb 22, 2010 23:44

 I really don't want to come across as a spoiled chick, but hubby can sometimes totally piss me off. One evening a couple days back he comes out of the bedroom and notices spiderwebs around a picture frame on the wall and another on the lights on the ceiling. With a weird expression on his face he basically jumps down at my throat that I should have noticed those and removed them. I tried to stay calm as I did not intend to fight over spiderwebs, but within five sentences we got to the point that he accused me of hanging around all day doing nothing and said the house was a mess and what if someone popped in and saw that. It took a LOT of patience and counting to ten before opening my mouth to stay calm and not tell him to go to hell....Seriously, while I might not be the perfect housekeeper on earth, I do what I can and trust me, it's ME who does everything in this darned house.

/rant No 1.

Screw-up with jam

If you read my last post, imagine that was just half of the carbs mountains I made that day. The other half was equally yummy, but less picturesque (the last time I made them they looked wonderful and I forgot to take a photo :(

Now you're probably wondering what the heck the above title means. The pastries we are talking about are called "bukta" which can also mean failure. Some incredibly smart shop owner wanted to have English tags on their products, but seemed to have never used a dictionary before because they came up with screw-up with jam ....

From Kaják

So, recipe-time:

1lb flour, 1whole egg and 2 egg yolks, half a cup melted butter, 1 cup warm milk, 3grams yeast, 1 tbsp sugar, pinch of salt
Typical yeast-leavened dough, rolled out, cut into squares. Place a spoonful of solid jam on each, roll up, let them rise again, bake.

Next time I'll post something less fattening, I promise!

The last two weeks we've been going to school three days a week after the previous two days. Apparently, this week(and most probably next week too) it's four days.... See, this is a 2-year course and was scheduled to take 2 afternoons a week. Teachers behaved as if we had tons of time and none of them seemed to worry if a class or two were canceled. This is our last semester and it turns out we have A LOT to catch up. Our current teacher was basically shocked to learn that there are so many things we didn't know, so now he has us work as hard as we can and even harder so that we stand any chance of passing the final tests......
Wouldn't it have been better to keep to a reasonable schedule the whole bloody two years?!

/rant No 2.

Running has been nonexistent for the last week or so without any particular reason, but yesterday I went out for an easy 10K and it felt great. I need to get back to more structured training because  my goal races are approaching soon. More about them later...

school, recipe, food, rant

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