Mar 11, 2010 13:43
Wednesday show - Melchoir again was played by understudy Matt and Georg was played by Chase Davidson. The show came alive with the BoL again. Rumor is though the actor who plays Moritz, Taylor Trensch performed his last show at this performance and Jake Epstein who headlines the show as Melchoir will be off all week. This was my first time onstage and it was lovely fun. It was a very different perspective. We could see the drawings included in the essays I was disappointed after this to see Melchoir’s journal was empty. Steffi D is perhaps one of the loveliest looking people I am mesmerized by her energy and her non stop enthusiasm. It appeared to sprinkle on us for most of act 2 after TFed which seems odd. I found some of sitting onstage to be intimidating. I would look around at what was not the lit focus and catch actor’s eyes. After being told not to distract them I would then feel uncomfortable. Another noticeable thing being on stage was the sheer amount of stomping and jumping. It was like being in a 2 hour earth quake that moved in rhythm to the music. Hearing the music from one end of the stage also sounded different.