Jan 01, 2010 12:04
Just as the title says. Happy New Year! To one and all (and other heartfelt emotional holiday crap like that). We've now stepped over the threshold into the mysterious beyond that is 2010. Whoopdedoo. All I now for certain is that, save for the hypothetical occasion of my untimely death (unlikely) is that towards the end of this year I will be turning 21, and will be old enough to buy and drink alcohol in public. Beyond that, I only have a vague idea of where my life will go and who will stick along for the ride. My plans for college in the near future are foggy at best, hinging almost entirely on my tentative work ethic and my parent's whims.
I sometimes wish I could just beat it out west, but I digress. I do, actually, have maybe one or two friends here that I actually like. Also, a college degree and a driver's licence sometime this century would be nice.
Beyond that...well, I've seen so many "New Years Days" by now that I can hardly get all choked up or philosophical over it at all. People who do so crack me the fuck up, in all seriousness (no offense you guys). I've already forgotten where I was and what I was doing last year (it may or may not have involved an ex-boyfriend who shall remain nameless) and the only reason this year will be memorable at all is because I spent it getting tipsy with Andy, listening to a thousand and one hilarious stories I begged out of my Dad. Also, Invader Zim.
And yeah, I forgot post something about Christmas. Well, I stayed over at my Mom's, got presents, and blah blah blah. Merry Christmas, you poor stupid fuckers.
And that's about it, until later I suppose. ALSO DON'T DRINK THE EGGNOG. IT HAS BEEN POISONED, YES IT HAS.