Beginning of life

Jun 05, 2005 21:03

So the other day i cought some type of weird thing, i have no fever, no sickness, or headache, and my stomach doesnt hurt but i am starting to cough up some snot from my lungs. I know, gross... But it is very weird, i used my inhaler (ASTHMA boy to the rescue!!) but that does jack shit. I have no idea, it is getting harder and harder to breathe and i start work tomorrow. I dont want to pass out in the field from something i have no idea what it is. I think it might be phenomia or some shit like that, but i really have no idea. I am kinda scared because this is the first time i cant breathe and my inhaler doesnt really do anything to help me out.
So i start work tomorrow. Since this little thing called college is looming over my head. I need money to help pay for some of it so i can actually afford to come back. I start tomorrow my normal 7:30 to 4. I just hope that i wont be excluded from activites now that i am working, i can still do stuff at night, i just have to be home by 10:30 or 11.... I hope i can still go camping with troy and the gang, that will be a nice change of pace from making corn have sex with itself. I really dont hate my job, i may bitch and moan about it, but it isn't all bad. I get to work outside, get a wicked farmer tan, boss 14 year old kids around, take road trips to far out locations all over iowa and get paid for listening to Bob Dylan tapes and most of all, meet some very weird people. Plus $9.00 an hour isn't all bad...
I just hope that i can maintain my sanity throughout the summer. I know sophie will miss me, and probably my man-lover devin will too.... I am just going to love the weekends.
I am feeling kinda down, i start this job and i know that this is going to take up a lot of my time. I get off work at 4 and can do stuff usually by 5. I just feel so bad, i have been doing this job for now 5 years. Every year it is the same thing, the people working makes me come back, they help keep you sane in between the corn. And i always know that i could keep coming back every single summer and get more money for college the next year, but i really dont want to do this the rest of my life like some people that i know(and some of my multiple bosses). If i dont amount to anytihng for the rest of my life, i always know there is some lab-monkey job that i can do. I just want to be something, someone. I want to actually make something of my life. I dont want to be "kelly's little brother" and follow in her footsteps every single way. I cant wait to live on my own start my life, the way i want to. I just want to make something of myself so i dont have to work there for the rest of my life..... And so it begins, tomorrow. I start the job that i dont want to do but will do anyway just for a start at a future....
As for now, i think i am going to get some music around for the car-ride up to work....i am thinking of Richard Cheese, that would be faily mellow for 7:00 in the morning....
Take care everybody and see you around....(hopefully soon)

Calcium Carbide....that's the stuff
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