I'm still alive and I'm still posting blogs

May 26, 2008 18:21

Now that summer break is upon me, I feel that I can waste a few mornings.
I was headed to the mall - only to be idle anyway - but I had to stop here first. Then I posted a ridiculously silly bulletin.
I'm feeling a little guilty, but I can be profligate about my time for another few hours at least. The first child will not be out of school til 12:30.
I have been meaning to post a word or two about the latest book I'm reading, which is Finn by Jon Clinch. It's a story about Huckleberry Finn's father. I love it when authors revisit and reimagine stories that have come before - I know there are pitfalls and people can be highly critical of messing up the story that was laid out before.
But I don't know. Maybe I'm not intellectual enough for that game. I only know what I like.
I don't really write reviews either, but here's an excerpt from the book which I think captures the tone of the whole thing so well:

"Finn works some nails out of a piece of lumber that's come floating down the river and caught on a snag upstream of the cabin and he straightens the nails upon a rock and then with another rock he drives them into the heel of his new left boot to keep away the devil. Thus girded he scrubs out his breakfast dishes upon the bank to dry and climbs aboard his skiff with a two gallon jug and a couple of empty sacks and a mess of fish gutted and wrapped in reeds. With his one good arm he poles upstream to St. Petersburg and ties up at someone's dock just as bold as if he owns it and half the others along the waterfront too. With the jug adangle from his forefinger and the reed-wrapped fish bound up neatly in a sack he makes for the white double front door of the Liberty Hotel but he thinks better of it at the last second, his cross-heeled boot barely on the threshold. "

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