July 1st: Split between London and Bristol

Jul 03, 2017 14:50

Hi glimpseatmyday

It is good to be back doing one of these! I have tracked previous days for other LJ communities - most of my days were from Tanzania. I apologise that my UK life is slightly more mundane!

This day started in London visiting my sister, and ended up back at home in Bristol

The day began on my sister's sofa bed. I struggle sleeping later than 6am these days, even though we sat up late into the previous night quaffing wine and talking rubbish.

The reason for coming to London was to join my sister at her 50th parkrun. Parkruns are weekly 5km runs held around the world and are aimed at all abilities - which is fortunate for us!

Hitting your 50th run is seen as an achievement and is rightly celebrated. I had my 50th run a few weeks back and she made me run with a helium balloon, so I got my own back.

She received a mention by the guy with long white hair during the pre-run briefing...

...which left her feeling a little embarrassed. Between us we have shed around 170lbs and I think we are both surprised we now run, given how lazy we always used to be.

My mid-run selfie. There were over 400 people running today - nationally there are 100,000+ who get up on a Saturday and do a parkrun. Some of the courses overseas get huge turnouts, as many as 1500 people at a time. Some finish in 15 minutes. Some in 50. All are welcomed and supported.

The finish funnel. Thank God that is over! For another week at least.

This is my standard 'why did I do that to myself' face. Within minutes it becomes 'I can't wait til the next one'.

Imo approaches the finish line a few minutes later. She proudly calls her running technique 'sloth-like'.

And across the finish line

She gets her barcode scanned and her time is logged.

Time for cake. Life is all about balance - once you burn the calories, you can then take more onboard.

The cakes are popular

Meanwhile a couple of new volunteers were tasked with sorting the 400+ barcodes into order. As Imo helps run the event, she stepped in to show them what to do.(and roped me into it as well)

One of the completed batches of 50 barcodes in numeric order.

Lots of cooks, yet the broth wasn't spoiled.

We arrive back at her house but have to hide inside as there are people viewing it. Imo is heading to Africa for a year and I will hopefully join her for Christmas and will do more Glimpseatmydays then.

My phone pings and I receive a photo of my dog. She is being looked after by friends whilst I am in London and my boyfriend is working overnight.

To kill time, I perform a little card magic. She couldn't figure my trick out, which amused me and irritated her.

More dog pics. She isn't usually accessorised, I promise. It is the Bristol Gay Pride dog show today and my friends are taking her along.

What was I saying about calorie replacement?

After lunch, it is time for me to take a train to the coach station for my journey home.

This is the nicest coach I have been on. Double decker, air con, comfy seats and not many passengers.

Stealthy photo of Harrods.

I get news Juno has taken 2nd place in Waggiest Tail! Shame there wasn't a 'Longest Tongue' round.

The day was beautiful, so it was a shame I spent the best part of it travelling.

I meet my dog sitting friends at the coach station and they kindly drive me home.

Juno! She doesn't look happy to see me, but I am going to pretend she was ecstatic on the inside.

Meet my boyfriend Dawei. He isn't a natural ginger, in case you were wondering.

We head off to the local supermarket to get BBQ supplies.

I meant to take pics of the shop - who doesn't like pics of foreign supermarkets afterall? All I managed was a pic of these two.

This is the first BBQ of the season, so I needed to stock up on charcoal. It is
much easier carrying it the African way.

The bounty from the shop

Dawei sets to work marinading the chicken

Meanwhile my task is freeing the BBQ from the triffids which have encroached over the winter months.

And there she is, in all her glory. We bought the BBQ online - only to find it was really rather small when it turned up on the doorstep. Still, it is enough for the two of us.


The end result. Green salad, potato salad, chicken bits and lamb skewers

This will do... for starters.

Hello Dawei

I brought a couple of cupcakes back from London. My sister had even branded them in parkrun logos.

Juno, meanwhile, was wiped out.

Though it wasn't long until we joined her.

Good night all

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