Jan 07, 2010 14:30
Thank GOD for this issue. I was severely losing all hope for this title, I had maybe 2% left in me before I just called it quits (I can't stand Robin The Emo Wonder) but HERE IT IS -- TDrake back to being the badass he is meant to be. The fight scene between him and the bad guys with Tam hanging back going "I'm gonna DIE!" was just... too good to be true. I LOVED it. His minute calculations, his analyzation of his opponents, the dislocated shoulder -- ALL OF it was pure gold. Of course the last scene was pure gold too. I'm not going to give away too much -- no time (boo work/bills) and I know several of you haven't gotten the ish yet, but you're going to love it. It made the fanboy in me rejoice.
Now I'm just wondering how much of a rage fit TDrake is going to throw after he finds out what occured in Wonder Woman: Blackest Night#2. : /