
Oct 17, 2005 19:18

my beginning fiction writing professor sent me his notes later:


My summary notes of our conference.

17 ottobre 2005

“your milk has a dick”
(a Courtney Love lyric)

Donald late. Story doesn’t have an ending. But some very strong writing. Hard to know how to respond without an ending. Too many (or so many) ways it could go.

∑ Needs to decide where to begin. Several possibilities:
o Chronologically (the “aunt” section)
o “That’s the way it was” (in medias res)
o (there are a couple of medias res possibilities)

∑ Main story? He’s set on killing the father.

∑ Shape? Lots of possibilities:
o Quest: kill the father ("Araby" model)
o Visitor: Dave (homosexual abuser) ("Cathedral" model)
o Look at how the stories we've read are shaped

∑ Backstory? Most student stories have too much backstory, but the present moment of “your milk” cries out for some filling in. My curiosity is aroused. But fill in as you go along. No long flashbacks. Well, maybe not.
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