GIP! *grin*
(Okay, it's not a GIP, it's a regular post. But still...)
Tonight was a bit of a struggle at the bowling alley. The lanes seemed to be oiled strangely, so Mario's and my shots weren't behaving the way they should, whereas people who throw a relatively straight ball seemed to be doing well. After making an adjustment and adapting to throw a relatively straight ball instead of my usual slight hook (fortunately, my hook is very slight), I was able to pick things up a little and finished the night with scores of 203, 147 and 153. Strangely, that gave me the exact same total as last week, 503. How's that for consistency?
cuteteenboy was still a little behind where he wanted to be on his schoolwork, so he didn't come out to fill in tonight. We still managed to win two out of three games and take total points (oddly, the game we lost was the one in which I scored 203).
Earlier today, I was quite busy with phone calls; I called Mario's colleague who is hiring some contract programmers (left a voicemail), called the headhunter I met a couple of weeks ago (didn't leave a voicemail, as I had left one on Monday, but she called back later anyway to tell me that she had no news yet), and called my RRSP agent to arrange to meet and deposit the Canadian Tire stocks from my grandmother's account (which should have been done a couple of weeks ago, when I got them, but the last few weeks have been filled with activity and drama which prevented it). My mother wants to be there, which means the meeting has to be in the early morning because everyone else has to change their schedules to accommodate her life, of course. *headdesk* 8:30 Tuesday morning. (And yes, I know that for most people, 8:30 in the morning is nothing. Hush. :P )
The other headhunter who had called while I was in L.A. emailed me to let me know that my resume (modified to more prominently indicate my volunteer activities) has been submitted, too.
Hopefully I'll get to bed at a decent hour tonight so that I can get up, do what I need to do (including more phone calls) and get up to Yorkdale by 3 for my hair appointment. Having my hair in my eyes is driving me crazy (or crazier, depending on your POV).
I also have a few things on my Gaylaxicon to-do list that need to be done or followed up on before Saturday's meeting. I think that we may finally have a head of Security who won't flake out or pull a diva act. Whew!
I still haven't been able to track down a Future Shop that has Doctor Who S1 in stock, but I picked up the Queer As Folk S5 soundtrack yesterday. Not bad so far - the first track is by the Scissor Sisters, whom I know
troystar likes but I'd never heard anything by them before. Geri Halliwell's track is surprisingly not vomit-inducing. I'm not sure what I think of Marilyn Manson's cover of "Personal Jesus" - the guitar work is fine, but I don't care for his voice. And the song that Cyndi Lauper was performing when Babylon blew up is on the soundtrack too - I seem to recall liking the bits that I heard on the show. We'll see about the rest of the tracks - I have no preconceived notions about whether I'll like them or not.