Jun 07, 2005 00:22
Allright... so i'm sooooo totally in love with my laptop again... I'm soooo happy that I don't have to sit on my parents computer anymore just waiting for my computer to boot-up... I mean they did a good job with getting road-runner and all.... but my gosh did they do a bad job at keeping an up to date computer...haha... for them its all good... but for me... well thats just another story...
My laptop is all brand spanking new now... they seemed to fix everything... (unless they put in a timebomb of some sort)...heh... and it (to my joy) has all of the original toshiba software that it came with in the first place! [you know, the stuff that I lost when it first crashed in on me last year...haha]... so basically I got a new computer... now if only I could speed up the time it takes for me to find everything that I need on this laptop in order for me to feel like its mine again...lol