Jun 11, 2007 20:02
One of my favorite expressions over the past couple of years was in search of sunrise - because it seems like I spent most of my twenties waiting for it. I've graduated, gone back to school, got a job, became a bum, fallen out of relationships, fallen into relationships, changed plans and switched priorities. Sometimes I think I've even reconceptualized myself - as myriad people who have claimed over the past few years that they "don't know me anymore" can attest to.
But all that's done and gone by. Last Friday's festivities were the cherry on the cake, a chance to celebrate with the people who've kicked my ass and held my hand in equal measure as I went through one epic emofest. I promised myself I'd write down what I've learned over the past couple of years, if only to mentally prepare for the next bout of self-inflicted crisis. Dedicated to the casts of Entourage and Grey's Anatomy.
Carl's Top Ten Quarterlife Crisis Tips
1. Sometimes the only way to succeed is to quit.
2. Being judgmental is the surest way of being a hypocrite.
3. The people you work with matter just as much as the work itself.
4. When someone consistently makes you feel bad about yourself, it's not a coincidence.
5. Unless you're asking it from God or your parents, never expect forgiveness.
6. Just because you were wrong doesn't mean the other person was right.
7. Most people can't distinguish between aimlessness and figuring things out.
8. You'll always have options - don't be afraid to take them.
9. When the bulls start running, you should go and jump right in front of them.
10. Preferring the long scenic route or the short bumpy one is a matter of preference, not a character flaw.