RIP Katelyn, you've touched so many people

Jan 17, 2009 19:02

On Christmas, a dear friend of mine and my family passed away, after a 22 year long battle with Cystic Fibrosis. Katelyn Salmont came into my life when my sister began riding horses at the age of 6. The moment she met Katelyn, she was blown away by her riding skills and her incredible courage. She was the first person my sister looked up to. She idolized her. Watching Katelyn and the other girls ride was what brought me to the ranch. Even though I never rode, it was still a thrill to watch them fly. Even though Katelyn and I never really hung out or were very close, I always felt a strong connection to her. The fact that she never, ever let her disease get the best of her was more inspiration to me than I can ever express. To watch her fly on the course and kick everyone's ass, and still be beaming from ear to ear afterwards while she was coughing and gasping for breath was...well, literally...breathtaking. I've had severe asthma all my life, and I always felt like I could find common ground with Katelyn. I knew what it was like to deal with the constant breathing treatments, the medications, the hospital stays. And the fact that she kept going, and never let her illness stop her from doing anything she ever wanted has always given me the strength to put my disease behind me and never pull me down. While I knew her, I watched her get up from her tough spots and literally jump over all her obstacles.

Today was her memorial, or as Randy, her dad, was calling it, her Life Celebration. I came down from Santa Cruz just to come to this, and I was going to find a way no matter what. I told that to Randy, and it really touched him. My father spoke at the memorial as one of the fellow Barn Dads....and I heard from all these people I haven't seen for years that I knew from the ranch. The entire room was filled with people who Katelyn had touched. She had an amazing generosity in her. Every single person she met, she made sure to KNOW them. And it showed. She had a raspy voice and husky laugh and gorgeous brown eyes, and I don't think there was ever a time I saw her that she couldn't have a smile on her face, even if she had to fake it in rough times.

When she was first diagnosed, doctors believed she would only live to about 14...15 or 16 if she was really lucky. But Katelyn wouldn't take that for an answer, and still alive at the age of 18, she was given a second chance a few years ago when she miraculously was able to get a lung transplant from two living donors...her Dad and a friend from another barn in Malibu, Cathy Oswald. We all thought it would give her a lot more years, and were lulled into that thinking. That's why it's still so shocking to think that she's gone.

I wish I had gotten to know her better and for longer. One thing I hope can come out of this, however, is even more awareness for Cystic Fibrosis and help to find a cure.

For those of you who don't know, Cystic Fibrosis is a genetic mutation that causes thick mucus buildup in the lungs and digestive tract, that makes breathing and gaining weight incredibly difficult, and causes constant lung infections. Katelyn was always so tiny and struggling to breathe--before her transplant, she was at around 20% lung function. CF is a terminal illness--there is no cure.

In 2003, she went on the show 7th Heaven for an episode to promote awareness for Cystic Fibrosis and again in 2005 after her transplant, to show her new chance at life. Mackenzie Rosman, her stepsister and someone I've known for a long time, who rode at the ranch even before she was sisters with Katelyn, played Ruthie on the show for many years and it was her idea to have her and Randy on the show. Most of the cast was there today, it was good to see them coming out to support Randy and honor Katelyn.

Anyway, I've rambled on long enough. But here's a video of Katelyn that Mack put together, I thought I'd share:

image Click to view

Please, if you would like to honor her memory, make a donation to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation to help spread awareness and to find a cure. Make sure that no one has to go through this like Katelyn did. And so that no one has to suffer the loss of such an amazing person, like everyone who knew Katelyn is going through.

And please spread this around, link to it on your livejournal, show it to anyone who you think should know more about CF (which should be everyone and anyone) and to anyone who would consider donating. The more people whose lives are touched by Katelyn, the better. Especially if they strive to make a difference toward ending Cystic Fibrosis.

And please, if any of you donate, and I hope you do, even if it's just $5, please comment here and let me know, so I can pass it on to Randy.


Again, you can donate at the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Please do.

Thanks for reading.
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