LJ Fandom Strikethrough 2007

May 30, 2007 18:30

I don't know how many of you have heard about the crisis that is going on in fandom on LJ right now, so I figured I'd write my own post to let those of you guys who aren't in on it yet aware of what's going on.

Currently, LJ fandom is under attack.

A few days ago, a rumor was circulating that LJ was being pressured to purge accounts and ban users, coming out of the FanLib and Mary Jane Spiderman figurine debacles.

LJ is being pressured to purge right now. This isn't LJ's fault, so please don't stand up and beat your breast against them.

Because of the recent FanLib thing and the wank over the MJ figurine, fandom is in a pretty bright public spotlight right now, and it's not that great for us.

Outside forces are pressuring LJ to delete journals and ban users. It's been going on for about 12 hours now. It is FANNISH people who are under the microscope.

If you have the words 'rape' 'rapefic' 'incest' or 'underage' in your LJ interests and are able to do so, EDIT YOUR USERINFO to remove them. Any variations of these should be removed, too. If I were you, I'd get rid of anything like 'wincest' or 'malfoycest' or the like. Also 'chan' -- because as soon as these mainstream folks figure out what 'chan' is, they're gonna come down on us.

If you have underage or 'cest fic posted public in your journal, I'd lock it. (this is my Yin's personal recommendation and not that of anyone 'official') Any squeeing over 'cest fics or fic with any underage characters should be kept behind a lock, too.

This is not going to be a long-term thing. A little hiding and editing of our interests while the black cloud passes over, and we should be fine.

If you want, this can be reposted in your journals, but PLEASE filter out RL people and folks who will make a public stink about it. Someone risked their job to let the LJ fen know what was going on, and we want to keep the fact that we have this info as quiet as possible.

The LJ outages today almost certainly are because of this. It is NOT LJ's fault -- LJ has almost always been welcoming and wonderful to LJ fandom. Please be sure to emphasize this if you pass it on. If you know any names of who knew what or who leaked what, KEEP THEM TO YOURSELF.

Well, since yesterday, things have blown completely out of control. A group called Warriors For Innocence (I'm not linking them because they've been trackingback journals. Look them up on google) posted an open letter to LJ/Six Apart, and as a result, LJ has been deleting journals left and right for "illegal" interests.

People's journals have been deleted for interests that are being considered "illegal", and not just ones regarding incest or pedophilia, but things like "death note" and "beating people up", which was found on an RPG villain's userinfo which was deleted. A popular community, lolita07, dedicated to discussing Nobokov's famous novel, has been deleted.


I'm not nearly as versed in what's going on in the situation as some people in my friends list, so I'm going to link to some of my friend's posts (I hope its okay with you guys) who have a great number of links to resources, information, and such on this event.

limmenel's posts with BUNCHES of links, advice, resources, etc: (Keep checking this, it's being updated constantly!)


heidi8's post in which she discusses the 1992 Ashcroft v. Free Speech decision.

PLEASE, PLEASE. If you're in ANY fandom at all, NOT just Harry Potter, reader/writer/artist/lurker, WHATEVER. Go join fandom_counts. It's a community designed to count fandom, as a whole, that's involved in LJ. Go join with any and EVERY fandom LJ you have, whether it be a fic journal, an RPG journal, whatever. All you need to do is join. You don't have to add it to your friends list. But join.


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