(no subject)

Jul 28, 2005 00:00

Okay, guys.

I need your opinion on something, and it's quite important.

In response to all the crazy drama and wank going on in Fandom latey (as you can see in my last few previous posts...), astute_anomaly and I have decided to create a shirt!

astute_anomaly came up with the phrase, and we're both trying to come up with a good design for the tshirt.

Now, originally, we just had THIS one for the front:

But then on just a crazy whim and me being goofy, I made it like this:

Now...we both like that better just because it brings more life to it.

But we were also concerned because although we both had different, good, entertaining things "FANDOM" in rainbow lettering could mean, we were afraid that maybe someone could get a bad message or bad vibe from it...like we were big het shippers and we didn't like fandom because it was gay...or that JKR doesn't like gay people or something.

So I really need your help on this, guys.


PLEASE do this poll, guys?

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