jobs are overrated. boys are stupid. you're great the way you are. cheering up is good though. strange has tits. no one really knows what they want to do. you don't seem hurtful to me. louis is overrated. driving'll come to you quickly enough. the past is the past, no need to worry about it. it'd be careless to lose your friends, i doubt you'd manage to get rid of them all. you're a genius. livejournal is of no importance in the grand scheme of things. so, my dear, you have an easy year ahead of you. i miss our english lessons! xxxxx
i miss our english tooo, we never talk to eachother much anymore, though i suck at english so not having it is a good thing in a way. your too nice sometimes. cept saying louis is overrated lol. love you this much *stretches arms wider than sarah is tall* :O xxx
love you too doll :) i'm not too nice, i'm making up for being a bad person for 16 years. we should try and recreate the magic of english. maybe get mrs sellens to read something with a lot of S's in it so she can spray us and have a fiddle with herself. good times eh?! "ssssseassssssssonssssss of misssssssst and mellow fruitfullnessssssss..." and you never sucked at english, it's just mrs sellens was less encouraging with you "you're going to get at least a b, even if i have to drag you kicking and screaming .." remember that?! xxxxxxxxxx
oh i do, i believe it cracked me right up the thime. god i miss that. sssseassssonssss. how unfortunate for that she is called ssssshirley ssssellenssssss and you were never a bad person
i was. ask roxanne. or becky. or anyone else. you know i was. ssssellensss is ssso sssilly. ssshe got me an a* and an a though so i'm not complaining! "tongue of fire" NOOOOOO!! x
your too nice sometimes. cept saying louis is overrated lol. love you this much *stretches arms wider than sarah is tall* :O xxx
and you were never a bad person
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