Hello everyone, first post in this community! I provide you scans... scans that you've probably already seen but since I owned the magazine I scanned it anyway run on sentence!
* All scans are 2000x2000+, with the max being around 3500 so they're very large. If you can't handle images that big, please don't complain :(
* Links lead out to my scan site since I can't upload them to photobucket (they're very large files)
* If you are to use these images, PLEASE credit me ♥
* Please comment if you like them :D
Issue:: R&R Newsmaker August 2006
Sid 1
Naohito Fujiki 4
UVERworld 2
I have more on the way seeing how I have a crap load of magazines and books here. lol. Just taking my time, taking my time.