I scanned almost the entirety of Myojo 2006 05, with the exception of drama/news and non-coloured pages. You can find scans of the following at
Arashi, Eikura Nana, Hayami Mocomichi, Johnny's Jr. (inc. Hasegawa Jun, Toshin Yoshikazu, A.B.C., Kis-My-Ft2, Kansai Jr., J.J. Express, Ya-ya-yah), Kanjani8, KAT-TUN, KinKi Kids, NEWS, Shuji to Akira, SMAP, Tackey & Tsubasa, TOKIO, Tomiura Satoshi, Tsukamoto Takashi, Ueto Aya, V6, WaT
The non-Johnny's pages are all labelled; to find out who is featured on a particular page, hover your cursor over each thumbnail to read the names and/or groups. Also, I'm trying out Mediafire to host my images this time and depending on how things go, I might continue with this instead of Picfury. All comments or suggestions are welcome!
- to the scans! -