Nov 06, 2005 14:15
Meanwhile back in the jungle...
New York City was amazing! I had more fun than a barrel of monkeys(and we all know how fun that is!). Here are a few highlights. If anything sparks your interest, let me know, and I'll elaborate.
*an over-night bus trip we were lucky enough to sleep through
*walking barely awake up 8th Ave.
*I spy with my little eye...Sex Shops! We're in NYC!
*an early morning walk through Central Park
*Whole Foods!
*portable, personal homeless shelters and broken china chandeliers at MOMA
*walking, walking, walking
*gross fish stands in Chinatown
*searching for Ashley on Mott St.
*failing to properly swipe our Metro Cards = laughter in the subway
*Times Square at night
*Razzle Dazzle!
*Virgin Mega-Store freak-out!
*Whole Foods!
*more walking
*Urban Outfitters!!!
*shopping till we could shop no more
*buying cute clothes that will have us standing out like a sore thumb at home (can you say tights and sparkly flats?!)
*amazing food on 1st Ave.
*lots of soy lattes
*"How is this vegan?" chocolate-peanut butter bomb at Teany
*a late night Brooklyn adventure
*abusing Starbuck's public rest rooms
*We love the East Village!
*singing songs from "Rent" on Ave. A
*drooling over the food (and the waiters!) at Counter.
*an impulsive haircut by a short, hairy, jewish man with gold teeth!
*53rd & 3rd!!!
*being disappointed with the lack of hookers, hustlers, and used condoms.
*Whole Foods!
*the funniest pictures EVER at Madame Tussuad's Wax Museum
*Buying tickets to Hell in the gallery of the wax museum
*being told I was "totally Joan Crawford" to which I replied with a simple "I
love you"
*Strawberry Fields forever
*Feeling so cultured at the Natural History Museum
*Do Christians believe in Dinosaurs?
*tired and cranky on the bus station floor
*arriving home in Norfolk to an exhausted brother, still in full eye make-up from the Halloween party just hours before
Taryn, my dear, you were the best road-trip buddy a girl could ask for!
I'm sure I left a lot out. As soon as I post this I will be flooded with the 4 million things I forgot to mention.
Photos soon!
I will be making my second NYC appearance in a few short months. This time my partner in crime will be Adam. Watch out!