stolen from dani

Dec 22, 2005 13:24

10 Favorites
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Food: Chinese
Favorite Band/Singer: ghost mice
Favorite Song: Dead Flowers and Dirt
Favorite Movie: Willie wonka
Favorite Sport: er
Favorite Season: Fall
Favorite Day of the week: wed
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: cookies n cream

9 Currents...
Current Mood: happy
Current Taste: diet coke :( there's nothing to drink in this house
Current Clothes: black shirt and undies
Current Desktop Background: plan it x tour.
Current Time: 1:17pm
Current Surroundings: my room.
Current Annoyance(s): this bittersweet vibe i get from everyone b/c I'm leaving
Current thought: I'm moving to new York fucking city!!

8 Firsts...
First Best Friend: mabelle
First Screen Name: piglet4
First Pet: toto my goldfish that died the next day
First Piercing: ears.
First Crush: I don't remember :(
First Music: hole! man hole
First Car: yoshi... my crappy Toyota corolla <33

7 Lasts...
Last Cigarette: last night
Last Drink: diet coke
Last Car Ride: coming home from alex's.
Last Movie Seen: rent.
Last Phone Call: alex
Last CD Played: ghost mice

6 Have You Evers...
Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Best Friends: yea
Have You Ever Broken the Law: yea
Have You Ever Been Arrested: nope
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: nope
Have You Ever Been on TV: yes.
Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Didn't Know: yep

5 Things you are wearing:
1. long sleeved shirt
2. underwear
3. thats.
4. about
5. it

4 Things You've Done Today:
1. vaccumed
2. got up
3. watched tv
4. umm... checked my mail

5 Hobbies/Sports you like:
1. photograhy
2. reading
3. tv and movies
4. attempting to paint
5. playing guitar

2 Things You Can't Live Without: (the superficial one)
1. tv.
2. computer.

2 Things You Can't Live Without: (the non-superficial one)
1. my family even though i claim to hate them
2. kyle

1 Thing You Do When You're Bored:
1. drive around.
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