art conspiracy is back up!!
unfortunately I don't know why the link isn't working :(
me and Kyle had this really long talk about this entire year and every event that happened.
although I have a lot of regrets
I have to say this was the best year I've had so far.
it was hard
and I dedicated a lot of myself
and I dunno I kinda wanna say I got to know myself and everyone a little better.
I saw people for who they really are... good and bad
and realized that no one is what they seem
including myself
so with school starting in a week... (help me god)
I'm posting pictures of first semester...
where everything was sparked.
I met josh and stephy (who I miss so much especially since ska is dead is coming in September and ur the only person I want to go with)
in calderon's class.
the class where stephy pointed at my bag and said all cute like, "oh man, u like ska?"
and we became instant friends.
and josh being the loveable gay boy with all his stories and boyfriends.
and starting my obsession with Kyle.
me thinking he was some oi asshole always drunk punk kid
boy was I wrong.
I took secret pics of him and admired from a far
I know u've been dying to see these babe.
haha ... make fun of me.
me and Justin
friends after everything that happened.
Ali of course
who I will miss a lot. it still hasn't hit me yet
and then me moving closer to that damn boy.
and making him fall for me.
I'm fucking good.
its been a good year.