My computer is slowly falling apart. The grips are starting to fall off (I just lost one), the casing on the top is breaking and I have to snap it into place, I can't actually close it because the latches don't work anymore... Oh, and, the freaking fourth computer cord I've bought for this thing is now dying.
Not to mention the sixth pair of ear buds that just shit the bed, and sometimes I think my brand freaking new MP3 player is dying... technology hates mee Q^Q
And there's nothing like a few glasses of wine to dull the pain of listening to your family break apart at the seams for the millionth time.
Fun times. This is an upsetting post. What can make it better? THIS
yay for epic grellyness by ~
Nekochi-Kamitsuki on
deviantART The quality isn't all that good, and they're so much more impressive in person, but LOOK. This is my friend, Neko. She's a creative genius. See those glasses? Made from wire and clay (the wire allows the frames to be flexible), with hard plastic that she super-glued onto the frames for lenses. Not only that, but those teeth? Made from fema clay, and cooked at a temperature that ensures the white color of the teeth while cooking the base to a point where the color is almost the same color as gums.
Not to mention, that each tooth is specially sculpted, an each one takes between 15-30 minutes.
She did this because she was BORED. She also painted almost every poster in her room with glow in the dark paint, so that the glowing eyes freak out our more frightened friends, but that's another story.
And I didn't even mention the beads, which I watch her bead on freaking crafting floss. Twice. Because the first one was too short and the beads were too big. This one took the longest, because not only are they tiny and is the string long, but the bead connectors are so small that the beads slide over them. So all beads are super-glued into place.
Oh. And this is the reason I have no more faith in humanity of the upcoming generation. Because they don't know how to spell things not in chat speak (or at all), they don't open books, they spend their lives on the computer and...