Jan 22, 2011 18:51


THAT IS ONE INTENSE MOVIE RIGHT THERE.  I am completely fascinated with it, and kind of want to see it again to take notes so I can give a better review of it and specifically look up those symptoms.  I can't remember them all because I'm too busy having my mind blown >o<

Oh, and concerning the bank thing?  I ended up not closing the account, and getting more confused.  Because they told me that after I deposited money last time, I still owed four dollars and some odd cents.  When I don't.  Because they added it to my account, then took the money from that.  I don't know anymore.  But my mom is going to come in with me some time soon and have a talk with them, because they still don't take me seriously.

BETTER NEWS (but not as great as Black Swan) I HAVE NEW AVIATORS :'D  They rock.  And I look like an awesome punk kid.  Except I'm neither XD I also looked like a boy in skinny jeans, which makes me LOL.

awesome, nerdgasm, artsy-fartsy, bullhorn, what is this faggot-tree?

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