One down...more to go....

Nov 27, 2006 08:08

Ok, Thanksgiving is over...for another year. My birthday too. I can't believe how much goes on around here on a daily basis.
Yesterday, Sam came home from being with family over the Thanksgiving holiday. She was in really good spirits and we had a good time IM'ing each other over the new broadband wireless. She grabbed her laptop sat down across from me at the table and we went to town. We also had Luke's limo party COSI trip yesterday after church. It was fun. I had to borrow a wheelchair. It's not too difficult getting around, just tiring. My foot is still in a boot cast for 3 more weeks. Doc couldn't see any healing so I'm trying really, really hard to be a better patient. I'm taking my vitamins, staying off problem is I dont' sit with it up in the air enough. Everyone tells me that's key to healing faster. I really am getting sick of the crutches and having to rely on everyone around me for basics...and for the not so basic. It's getting old.

Oh, Good News...what day is it? Oh, JIMMY IS OUT OF IRAQ!!!!!! Rejoice, rejoice...hallelujah! He should be on American soil today....check out the Strykernews 172nd brigade for sure. I'm so happy. I don't know if we'll see him or not. He said he wants to get to Ohio after the holidays. I'm not selfish...I just want him on US soil. God, after 16 months....what a tour of duty. I guess they did lose one of their guys. That was really hard on all of them, as you could imagine. We'll all be breathing easier now that he's back.

My birthday was Saturday, a whole 43..I'm a prime number. I was done pretty good. I got my broadband, a toolbox, a new printer/scanner and the best gift of all was a 12 month picture calendar of....DAVE! It's called 2007 Dave Dave Dave Dave 2007 and it contains a whole bunch of pictures of ....DAVE! I laughed so hard. Seems he's been working on it for months and even employed Sam for taking some pictures. What a guy. Some of the pix made Sammy go eeeewwwwww (her favorite response to some of our innuendo) but I love it. The broadband installation was a bit scary. The guy came in, opened our crawl space under the rec room and then put the rug over the hole...just in time for Dave to step on it. No damage...except to the waterlines, he snapped them both. I just think he's lucky he didn't snap a leg. Both of us laid up would be a VERY bad thing. No worse for wear. The installation guy got an earful of Dave's very colorful language, and the water lines were repaired before the satellite was done. Saturday night Dave took me out for my birthday and we brough Mom and Jackie along. Jackie ate her first raw oyster and had her first calamari. I'll post on the Webshots. What a girl.

Friday sucked. For me, anyway. Every year for the past 6 years I go shopping on Black Thursday. Usually with Robin, but for the last 4 years, Dave has gone...then, poof, broken shoppie. Dave did get up a 3:30 AM and took Lukie...and together they did put a huge dent in the Christmas shopping, but I was still bummed. This foot thing is taking way too much away from me.

Thursday, mom cooked a killer Thanksgiving meal. I wish I could be more help to her. Hell, I wish my kids were more help to her! But of course, she pulled it off with out a hitch. We took her to eat with us Saturday as a partial repayment for all she's done for us this year. I don't know where I'd be without her.

Jackie had her first band concert too. She plays the French Horn and she and another girl had a spotlight song to do. She's doing really well and pulled straight A's this marking period. I love teacher conferences like that....nothing but A's and a kid who gets chastised for reading in class while the teacher is thing she and Luke have in common.

Jackie and Luke also had martial arts belt tests this month. Jackie graduated to the yellow belt and Luke has purple and white stripe...he's got 4 more to go for his black belt. Wow. He has been at it awhile. I think he started in 2002 and we still travel to Toledo twice a week to train with the Master he started with in Carleton.

Sarah achieved honor roll this month too. I still can't believe the hassle we got in Carleton with those losers telling us she was learning disabled. Her teacher dropped his jaw when I told him the story. I would love to take her honor roll grades and shove them up a certain school administrator's butt back at Airport Schools. Patronize me, will you? Proof is in the report card.

Luke had a rough first marking period. By far the worse grades he's ever pulled. All his teachers are telling me that he needs to concentrate on homework and organization. Yep, that sounds like my absent minded professor. He's still bringing up the whole moving to Ohio thing with his dad, and is not very excited about high school next year. My perpetual Peter Pan would just as soon stay a kid.

December is a terribly busy month. Between karate, choir concerts, band concerts and church's always hectic. Dave has a couple tickets to a really good show in Detroit (89X) for December 14th...but, I don't know about it with this foot. Sammy has exams that day so she's out. There's just not too many people around that share our taste in or our enthusiasm for music. Sarah did say she wants to go, but I don't think so...Taking Back Sunday is not your average 9 year old's music!

Well, that's about it for now. Sarah just headed out to the bus, Dave is on his way to work and it just got quiet for the first time in several days. Eerie. Dave and Samantha both have some bad colds. Dave just isn't feeling good at all and Sam seems to have the same thing. Dad was under the weather too, last week and couldn't travel up here for dinner with Haley. Bummer. I know Haley was probably looking forward to shopping. Last year, we took her and the girls. Jerry went down to see him though. Hope he's feeling better.

Let's see how much progress MOM & I can make on these Christmas decorations now the kids are outta the house!
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