Happy Halloween - Part I

Oct 31, 2006 13:48

Well, it's been a rough few weeks. I can't believe it's been over a month since I updated this thing. Goes to show how busy things are going. Last Friday, I sent out a note telling everyone that I'd soon be done at TRW. Looks like I'm done now - and not because I finished the work that needed to be done! Saturday night, Dave, Sam and I went to John & Erica's annual Halloween party and I turned my ankle on a "curb". I heard two pops coming from the foot and everyone convinced me it was just a bad sprain. Dave drove me home (from South Lyon, Michigan!) and Dave and Sam helped me to the door. I couldn't put any weight on it so I crawled by hands and knees to the couch in the rec room and there I stayed until about 4:00 Sunday afternoon! Jill came over with a huge box of Advil, wrapped it and gave me instructions and by evening I could put a bit of weight on it - I even had enough hobble-ability to chase the kittens out of my bedroom. Thank God mom is here. I don't know what I'd do. Funny that things like this never happen to me and when it did - she was right here. God's got great foresight! Monday, I got up, hobbled about, took my 800mg of Advil and got to work. Made an appointment with my Dr. and went to see him at 10:30. By 4:15, I'd been to the hospital for X-rays, back home to wait for a call, to an Orthopedic Surgeon for a Boot Cast, back to the hospital for PT and then to the Med Supply Store for my crutches. What a whirlwind day. Oh, the diagnosis? Two fractures, one in my 5th metatarsal and one in my Fibula. Oh yeah. I'm fun at a party. No work for 6 weeks, not weight on it for a month. God, it's been a day and I'm already stir crazy!

Sunday was trick or treat day and I missed it. First time since my kids have been trick or treating. It's probably Luke's last too. I was so upset I cried myself to sleep. Too much of life are one time only things, it really gets to me when I miss a single one. At least Dave got them out and he and Luke remembered to go bowling. This is really going to affect Dave. He's not used to having to do all the "kid" logistics. It's definitely going to be rough on him - he's already spread thin and now I can't hold up my ends. I do feel so useless.

Okay, enough about me.

A week ago we went to Chicago and cheered Dave on as he ran the Chicago Marathon. My man placed 7,700 out of 40,000 runners. That puts him in the top 20% - can you say awesome? He's in the best shape he's been in since HS. Same weight too. We're all so proud of him. Robin came down from Michigan (it's only a 2 1/2 hour drive for her!), Mom with her Shihtzu, Scottie - what a PIA he can be, but he's oh so cute! Me and the kids and our daughter Sammy. Finding Dave in a crowd of 1 million people after the race was pretty unnerving. We started to wander toward the fountain and Sam looked up and saw the A-B runner reunite sign and figured, B for Boyle, he should be here. It wasn't long until she excitedly started yelling. Dave! He's right there! And there he was wrapped in his silver blankie with salt streams on his face. He did so well. It was really great.

The week before that we went to NY to visit with mom (that's how she got out here). Cary has a new place up in the finger lakes where she works. Right on one of the lakes. The colors were in full swing and the drive up there was beautiful. She as a lake about 50 yards from her driveway and a real haunted house in front. It looks so cool.

Maybe, while I'm laid up, I'll get my webshots updated with all the pix.

Well, there's always more going on. The kids had a Halloween party Friday, turned out really well and got some great pictures and memories to go along with it. Luke had his first on the field half time band performance. Can't believe he'll be in marching band next year. Wow.

Happy Halloweeen everyone. Maybe I'll get an e-card out. Got nothing but time.

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