Mar 30, 2006 12:29
Congratulations are in order....
Samantha got a job. Must be someone at Heinz put in a good word for her, because she was just offered a position yesterday at a Clyde Distribution Center, full time (same hours as me, basically) and with good pay. Not bad, she's been here, what, not quite 2 months and already landed a full time job. What someone can do when motivated.
Our tap in fee is paid (2 grand, yikes!) and ½ the dig money is paid so they'll start Saturday....I'm getting city water...YEAH! No more running the softener 1-2 times a day, no more limescale on fixtures and house planters, no more buying bottled water..I can even use my refridgerator water and ice dispenser! Doesn't take much to thrill me I know, but hey, we've suffered since August of '05!
Activities are picking up now at a dizzying pace. Luke even has three activities a night for 2 nights a week....Track, Baseball and Karate. Something's going to give. Sarah is on the same softball team Jackie was on last year. I hope the coach didn't draft Sarah thinking she's as athletic as Jackie; she'll be disappointed. Sarah's in it for the social merit! Luke's whole baseball team came back this year minus 3 players. They'll be ones to contend with for sure.
Dave got back from Chicago last night, the kids are still on spring break (doing laundry, no less!) and I'm working. Hmmm, something not right there. Sam has been taking care of the kids for the most part this week. She'll still be able to be with them in the AM before work (I mean, really, her commute will probably take a whole 10 minutes if you take into account getting out of the car and walking to the building!).
I get Good Friday and Easter Monday off. Yeah. I like that. Easter Monday the kids have school and Dave is working....ahhh, rest and relaxation for me!
Last weekend I suffered a bout of food poisoning, I think. I went to the Olive Garden for dinner, had seafood fettucine which was yummy, then, about 2:00 in the morning...I started to bow at the feet of the porcelain queen - and continued to do so for about 6 more hours. I don't think my worst hangover was ever that bad! By the time I could get food down, my head felt like someone was taking an axe to it...caffeine withdrawl! Dave saved me by running to the gas station for a quick cup. Monday, I still felt pretty out of it, my back and chest ached like mad and I basically felt like I was beat up. Sunday was sort of a "lost day", I camped on the couch and that's where I stayed.
Well, I'm thinking a day off is in order for tomorrow Sam needs some clothes for her new job...her Hot Topic wardrobe just won't cut it! I haven't been to the mall in a couple weeks, either, I don't want to go through withdrawl.
Sam's cousin Kelly (the really tall Kelly!) got into an accident on her way to school yesterday. She turned onto Grafton Road and got nailed by someone she never saw coming. She's a senior this year at airport and her car just got totalled. Just like Sam's did. Bummer. At least she, nor the other lady, were hurt. Thank God.
I'm just in one of those all around good moods.