half lazy monday

Jul 14, 2008 19:16

So I decied to drop my math class and take the next 4 week course starting on the 21st.It is with a teacher I've had so it should be easy. I just still feel shity that I have to take it all over again just cuz I fucked up one day. Ahhh....I'm kind of stressed.
It is really kind of stupid that I'm stressed.I only have my writing class this week because I droped my math class. I finished my essay that is due tomorrow.So, why am I being a worry wort?I'm not sure.It is what I do.Anxiety sucks like that. I've thought about going back on meds, but eh.Not sure that I want to.I also have some journals I should write up for my writing class now so that I don't do it last minuet.
I don't know if i have mentioned it.I got my first car!!It is exciting and boring at the same time.haha.
These days things are kind of crazy. One of my best friends is leaving for basic training for the Army on the 22nd. Another is leaving for the Navy. A friend in the Navy is coming home for a week...TOMORROW!!!I just remembered that.OH GOSH!.lol.I had an ex text me last night saying he is leaving for basic in the Army soon. My recent ex/boyfriend ( we haven't decided if we want to get back together) is leaving for training with the Marines in the next month or two.Pretty much everyone I know is leaving. Or already gone.I know way to many people who are in the forces.It is really kind of crazy. As for me. I'm not sure what I am doing with my life.I just feeling like I'm wasting my parents money with school.I'm going to school for no reason really.I don't know what I want to do.I also feel like I'm not going to be able to go far with school.As you can tell with my math class screw up. Not sure that I can past the next 3 math courses I need to do.They are a big thing to my transfer degree.So, I don't do them then I can't transfer.Its shity.
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