Nov 28, 2006 05:03
My sister turned me into a cripple for a few days.
She was being a stubborn ass as usual, and I told her to go to her room. And again, as usual, she didn't listen to me. What usually happens next is me capitalizing on the extreme size difference between us and picking her up and calmly carrying her, usually kicking and screaming, to her room.
But this time was different, because she got the brilliant idea of grabbing the side of the fridge on the way out of the kitchen, and throwing off my balance, sending the full weight of me plus fifteen year old girl down on my ankle.
I've been limping around with a cane since yesterday. It's doing better, but work from 12-6 tomorrow will probably reverse all my recovery.
I am considering looking into telemarketing as a new temporary job.
I've been thinking about death a lot lately.
I have. And a lot of people are upset about it, surprisingly enough.
Unsurprising? Well, it surprised me.
I am fascinated by the topic of death, but it's nothing morbid. It's one of those big, universally human issues, and how we deal with it can affect the course and quality of our lives.
It kind of shocks me how merely by talking about the subject, people assume that I am both suicidal and depressed, neither of which I am. It stuns me how people are so afraid to even think about this subject, no, not even afraid, the consider it wrong to even think about.
Of course, I am appalled whenever real thought about an issue is discouraged, as per my nature.
Today, my mother's co-facilitator at work, a lady named D'Ann Schlueter, had a brain aneurysm, which she didn't even know existed, rupture while she was driving her car.
The ensuing car accident would have been enough to kill her alone. She will either die tonight in intensive care, or she will live in a persistent vegetative state.
I knew D'Ann well, so it's not the sort of impersonal feeling you get from hearing something like that on the news.
Having said that, a lot of people are surprised "How well I took it". I mean, I have been comforting my mother, because one of her best friends is or is going to die, depending on how you define death, but I have been meditating on death for a long time, and while the way her life ended might be atypical, thinking about these issues often has left me prepared enough that when something like this happens, I tend to be more contemplative than emotionally disrupted, and that seems to take people aback.
I can understand why that might confuse someone who knew me superficially, but someone who knows me deeply has no excuse.
Anyway, so I am curious about your own thoughts on death and dying.