Oct 15, 2005 23:50
nothing new that I actually want to post about. schools fine...works fine...besides im tired as all fuck and i picked up my check today. for those who did not know i have a job i work at Kroger South..please come and buy things so i wont feel so lonely sometimes. anyhow; some people don't seem to bad who i work with, some i just have to grow on.
people are still driving me crazy and they will remain nameless and DO NOT ASK
i am thinking about changing my name again becasue this one makes bsolute no sense and has no relevance to my life so i think either i might destroy it or completely change my name. so if you want to keep my non-updating ass on your list please say so. even if you don't im adding you anyway so dont if you don't want to. cuz you'll be added anyways.
i am tired, frustrated with my stupid computer, and frustrated with my friend who wont get off of the idle position because he is the ONLY one on my AIM list that I talk to on a regular basis and just when I HAD the time to Gaia he isn't here...bastard.
anyhow i was trying to waste time but if hes not gonna answer..whatever ill call him tomorrow and i'm going to sleep now because sleep is the key to everything. sorry for being extremely a unhappy camper...ive been angered for a while now. dont ask why i dont want to elaborate... this is my journal i can say what i want... thats why i have a PRIVATE journal so i can say whatever and not get in trouble or worry about people reading it...unless its Nikki..but yes i'm makinga new journal..soon liek almost now...im leaving this is pointless to ramble on and on... late
lock and load
Raiis Childe