Aug 19, 2005 14:15

yo! yes I have indeed decided to record my summer events, as far as I can yay! [for some i will not give details]

- The "Being" problem in the very beginning which i have been cured of, im glad this being is happy now!
-another being was banned from a particular place
-Vampire Masquerade! the beginnings of a game. Mike Hurban, Katherine Green, Kari Downey, and I. Then added, Christopher Groh, Amanda Zigan, Kyle Sokol, and Nicole Hernandez.
-July 4 canoeing with Kari Downey, my mother and her boyfriend Daniel
-Kevin Boldt and I saw the movie War of the Worlds and it funkin' ROCKED!
-Sloppy Meateaters were at Ladd's Cancun with Transit War, Broken Hearts Academy, VPS and others. I couldn't go because I had a sever asthma attack the day before. I was forced to choose Cancun or i chose Warped... Cuz i was being a dick and got yelled at....
-April Strothman's Birthdate, July 22!
-WARPED TOUR! WOOO. July 23...was awesome! going again next year. ADVICE: BRING A CELLULAR DEVICE. went with April Strothman, Mrs. Andrea Strothman, my mother, Katherine Green and Nicole Hernandez!
-Went to North Carolina for a week with my father, my Step-Mother Sue, Andrew, Philip, and Tyler[my three remaining half/step-brothers].
-Egon's Unicat and VPS play at the IV Cellular Parking Lot in Marseilles, and rocked. We left during VPS cuz we were starving. We hurdled over traffic dividers. and wanted to kill a certran Lindsay girl. she was cool but no one gets away with insulting Egon's Unicat.
-Mike Herban, Ktg, and I hung out over 2 weeks time..alot.
-17th of August played out FIRST EVER Vampire Masquerade Game. it rocked...Nicole Hernandez played random 'things.' Played a dog I chased, El Coco(a gay mexican boxer that Mike HErban knocked out cold), B-day Cop, and various others. We fought pussy gangsters...heh.
-Went to the Museum of Science and Industry. Got lost, heard Emily's father being very angry..too angry. And went to the beach were i gave into peer pressure and jumped into Lake Michigan with my clothes on.
-Saw the Body Worlds at The Museum of Science and Industry, were there are REAL cadavers, it was friggin awesome. We say muscle structures, bones, eyeballs, boy and girl 'stuff'(which WASNT the highlight of my trip there), i bought a postcard and a pin so i could show how awesome it was. It was indescribable. It is going on until September 9 so go and see it!
-Katy got her license yesterday August 18 so YAY!
-Went school shopping today. Got the basics, 2 notebooks, mechanical pencils, and 2 nice ink pens.
-Nicole Hernandez's b-day family party is tomorrow and i think i was i may be going with KTG tommorow afternoon. so..YAY!
Also...TONIGHT. VPS is playing at Jeremiah's tonight and i might go with Apie and drag Mike Hurban along. Gotta love it, i dunno. I want to hang out with Apie but, i dunno.

Anyhow. I wanted to mention that today, i called my mother with a plan of what I was going to do today. Katy suggested that we drive to Seneca, get some money so Katy could assist me in school shopping. My mother disagreed and said quite defensively "NO. That is my job, I will take you school shopping."

what does that mean?

i thought that she a)might have been pissed off or b) shes getting freaked about i am wanting to go shopping by myself. aka: being kind of independent. which freaks any parent out when their kid (especially their oldest or only kid) starts to kind of fend for themselves. Or maybe she thought I was going to buy clothes and stuff, and she doesnt trust me with that, i don't blame her. i don't know. well if any last requests to hang out..make them now cuz we only have 2 and a half days friends....make the best of it and go all out. just no drinking and crap!

lock and load

one and only trevino
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