@ the right place @ the right time

Jun 29, 2011 14:55


Last night I went to a night showing of Goonies @ The Central Market with Rebecca Roomate and some of her awesome friends. It was outside on a big screen and everyone had camping chairs and blankets and coolers of beer. Seriously, best way to watch Goonies ever. Sadly, we didn't bring any of that. But for Footloose next week we have it covered. What's Goonies without a beer? What's anything without a beer?

Oooh, strike that from the record. My sponser wouldn't want to hear me say that.

Whilst buying my 2$ Blue Moon beer I recognize that Concessions Guy is dreamy. Dreamboat. So naturally (sure), I decide that I want to ask him out. After some bullshitting and a second beer I still hadn't gotten around to it/screwed up enough courage to go for it. Then my friends say that we're cutting out early to go downtown for pasteries. Uh Oh.

So I ditch my beer and walk over to the stand.

[Please recall that scene in Say Anything where John Cusack says that he didn't prepare a speach for his first time calling Ione Skye because he didn't want it to sound practiced and forced. Thanks.]

That was my plan. That's all I went in there with. and so:

Me:... (looks at him)
Him: .... (looks at me)
Me: Hey!
Him: Hey!
Me: Soooo, what are you doing tomorrow night?
Him: OH. Man... what is tomorrow night?
Me: Hmm...Thursday Him: Hmmm... Thursday
Him: I think that's band practice night for me...
Me: OH! Well, it isn't band practice night for me!
Him: Hahaha
Me: What are you doing after band practice? Hanging out with THIS GIRL? (and so I point to myself.)
Him: Definitly. Can I get your number?
Me: Definitly.

Whoa Juli. So I'm not Mrs. Suave. Which is alright. At least I'm honest, right?

In related news, he's dreamy (did I point that out?) and is in a band (did that come up?) and has a good tattoo. WHICH is hard for me to say, cause most tattoos are sub par. In news related to my related news, I haven't dated a rockstar in eons. They're not my type. ;)


First day on new job as Software Tester/ Editor? A success. I work with a bunch or nerdboys (my absolute favorite.) and already I made a friend. Fun times.

Him: (Sits down next to me) PSSSTTTTT.
Me: Hi.

and then we go on to talk about vomit volcano's, video games and beer drinking and I am ready to make him my best Austin dude to hang around with. He invited me to his 4th party and to come over and drink beer. Best part: He has a girlfriend. niiiice. and he also just moved to Austin.

Alright. I think that's posterity enough for my nights and days.

P.S. I double booked tonight. Date with Concessions (yeah, I'm dumb and didn't catch his name.) or Sixth Street Madness with Rebecca and co? FUCK.
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