You can visit each site EVERY day...just by the click of a few buttons you can really help!!! Please take a few minutes out of your day to do so. Thanks everyone. They are for good causes....if anyone knows of other sites please let me know and I will add them here.
Just visit this site and click the Purple "Feed and Animal in Need" Button
With every visit, food is provided to an animal in a shelter or sanctuary. Over 10 million animals are abused, abandoned or neglected each year. BREAST CANCER SITE.
With every visit, a contribution is made to help underpriveleged women get mammograms. 43,000 women will die this year from breast cancer. THE RAIN FOREST SITE
A land donation is made with every visit. Every second, more than an acre of rainforest disappears. THE CHILD HEALTH SITE
With every visit, a contribution is made to help to prevent life-threatening diseases, restore vision to blind children, and enable child amputees to walk. 200,000 children die every week from preventable causes. THE LITERACY SITE
With every visit, a contribution is made to provide books to children around the world. Over 20 million books have been distributed over the last three years. THE HUNGER SITE
A donation of staple food to the hungry is made with every visit. 24,000 people die of hunger every day, three-fourths of whom are children under the age of 5. ECOLOGYFUND.COM SITE
You can click several links to save land across four continents - FREE