Orchids, woodworking, and life changes

Oct 04, 2007 13:47

Lately I'm so ridiculously orchid-obsessed. I've even purchased a large hydroponic light and a timer to compensate for my apartment's complete lack of sunlight. I also got  a clip-on fan to keep the air buoyant . I'm the most taken by "Lady's Slippers" (Paphiopedilum). I like announcing to people that I have an huge love for Lady's Slippers. So far I only have one but that is sure to change as I have a continually growing wish list. This is the one I have now:

It's a Vietnamese orchid called Paphiopedilum delenatii.  It was rediscovered in the in the 1990's and  then collectors pretty much took them all so now, like a many others, wild Pahiopedilum delanatii are presumed to be non-existent .

I'm so excited by everything orchid-related that I can't stop talking about them. This is how boring I am becoming.

I finally finished the damn cabinet I  was working on. It's far  from flawless, but it was sure satisfying to have it completed as well as to no longer have it blocking my microwave. To top it all off I now have a place to store a large amount of craft and stationary supplies, organized gleefully by M-G
In other news, I'm in the midst of preliminary steps to go back to school to take a joinery (cabinet making) course at BCIT.  It's full time so I'd basically have to be in Vancouver full time too- oh darn.  Of course, I'll need to come up with a feasible way to to suport myself but I'm pondering, I'm pondering....
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