Today I received the first issue of my National Geographic subscription. It was sent to me in a brown paper envelope to protect it. Now, is it just me or is FannyPack still having gigantic problems dealing with the name thing? She's the one who checks the mail here and this is the condition in which it was handed to me:
Initially I didn't notice the precision of the rip (exactly where it had been addressed to "Mr. Carter Dumanowski") and I just sorta laughed and said "what the hell happened to the package?" FannyPack was friendly and just told me that it came that way but that she may have torn it a bit more getting "the over-sized item out of the mailbox". Note: She has an over-sized mailbox that everything else that size sits flat in without a problem.
Anyway, I suppose that there is like a 2% chance that it's just a weird coincidence and that Momsie really didn't do it but um yeah right. Initially, the ridiculousness of it just kind of struck me as hilarious but now I'm just pretty pissed and sort of hurt or something of the sort and man I need out of here 'cause I really don't know what more I can do to make things easier for her. It's just weird because most of the time we really do get along pretty well, all things considered and then she randomly does stuff like this (well I'm 98% sure she did it).
On a plus note, the National Geographic was in pristine condition and there are very pretty elephants on the cover and other than the mom/island crap, things are seriously downright lovely. I'll post more about the fact that I actually cook now and other such interesting facts later.