It's unofficial Veronica Mars Unfinished Fic Amnesty Day

May 23, 2007 10:04

I've been sitting on this fic for nearly two years now and I don't think I will ever finish it.

Title: Sitting on Top of the World, Spitting on the People Passing By
Characters: Weevil, Carrie Bishop
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Season One

Eli's oldest memory was burrowing himself in his mother's arms, soft breasts under worn cotton, she kissed his brown hair, the tanned skin of her arms contrasting with his pallor. It's the only thing she left him other than a bunch of postcards - from Nevada, from New Mexico, Atlantic City, Detroit, New York - fading more with every year. "A thousand kisses for my Eli," she wrote. "Take care of your abuela. Don't worry about me."

In the summer of 1990, boredom reigned supreme between the low houses of the neighborhood. The community pool in the park has been closed for days after a hundred people gotten sick after swimming in it and the sun had turned Eli's skin into the red of cooked crabs. His abuela was away, working for a rich, white family up in hills where the air was cooler, the walls were white, the swimming pools were blue as the sky and air conditioning could turn you into an ice cube.

Eli used her abbsence to fight with the neighborhood boys, she had warned him to stay away from, over a bunch of cheap Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles action figures. Despite being the smallest and youngest, Eli had enough tenacity to get a hold on Leonardo's upper half, Ramiro, an eight-year old with a reputation as school-yard bully and a tight grip on Leonardo's left leg had called Eli something he would never forget:


Eli didn't understand what the word meant but Ramiro's slowly widening gap-toothed grin as he lost his grip on Leonardo and the shock on the faces of the other boys told him that it didn't mean anything good. He let go of the plastic humanoid turtle, turned his hand into a tight fist and widened the older boy's gap-toothed grin by another missing front tooth. He grabbed Leonardo, Donatello and Michelangelo from the other boys with his bloody fist, while Ramiro cried on the hard concrete, bleeding profusely. None of them ever called him gringo again.


After knocking out Ramiro's tooth, Eli's reputation as the most dangerous kid around quickly spreaded like a wild fire. He became the child that mothers warned their children to stay away from and that every child under the age of nine wanted to be friends with. When he was five, he was the leader of a small army of children that wanted to be just like him. He set up a few tests of courage for them to prove their worth and he was the only one who passed them all. Stealing Mars bars from the supermarket turned out to be more difficult once the employees caught on and his army was quickly and evenly divided between the ones who did it and ones who didn't.

The next test involved climbing on the church roof, which reduced the number of daring and the not as daring further and earned Eli a month of grounding.

Eli was the only one that passed his last test of courage - a breakfast of insects. As his army looked on half in awe, half in digust, he ate a spider, a fly, several bugs, a dead cockroach and a weevil. In commoration of that exceptional deed they called him Eli, the Weevil-eater in the same reverence kings are called "The Great". The nickname was quickly reduced to Weevil, but the reverence stayed the same.


Eli is six when Aunt Aña left Chardo to live with him and his grandmother. Living with Chardo made him realize how different the two of them were. Chardo's hair was dark, straight black, while his own fell around his face in soft, light brown waves. Chardo's skin was tanned, where his own was pale. And it wasn't just Chardo, everyone in the family had Chardo's dark looks where he looked like the kids on TV, like the children for whose families his grandma worked for.

A few weeks after Chardo had moved in Eli begged his grandmother to cut his hair short - really, really short, so that no one could tell how light it really was. He spent more time in the sun than anyone else. The summer heat could burn down however brutally, but Eil Navarro was to be found outside. The more normal he looked, the less tyrannical he grew towards his army of friends. When he finally went to school, he didn't stand out anymore, but his reputation had preceeded him and he quickly had to prove that he was the biggest bully around. So on the first day in school, he already earned his first detention, marking the beginning of a scholarly career that would be marked further by frequent detentions and suspensions.


When Weevil was in Junior High, he and his friends had already acquired a reputation as thugs. When he and his friends walked the school's hallways the crowd parted like the biblical red sea. He was saving up for a motorcycle, as were his friends, and so they went to the movies by the way of fences and emergency exists. On a Friday in August Hector confused The Neptune Movie House with the Neptune Movie Theatre and instead of The Art of War, they got a bunch of white cheerleaders in short skirts trying to win some stupid competition. While the gang suspected Hector of making the mistake intentionally, no one complained. At least until the brunette cheer chick entered the picture. At first it was Chardo who covered his snigger with a cough, but as the movie progressed and the white chick's resemblence with their fearless leader became clearer with every cheer, the coughs were first echoed by the gang, which quickly gave up on trying to disguise them and then turned into outright laughter. Halfway through the movie, around the time the Weevil-look-a-like got the advice not to smile (Which was met with howling laughter on the cheap seats.) Weevil left the theatre.

As soon as he got home he shaved his head, removing the last traces of the white chick's soft, long hair. The next day, he 'accidentally' broke Hector's nose and got his first tattoo. Something meaningless. Nothing that a white chick would choose. Nothing that could be rubbed off with spit.


Weevil had seen how the 09er kids lived before. His grandma worked for them after all. But seeing them every day, waving their credit cards and Pirate Points to get their lunch delivered was a complete different deal. He had hated Ramiro, when he called him gringo, he had hated the people his grandmother worked for, but never before he had felt such intense hatred as he did when he had to see their pasty-assed, arrogant selves every day.

At first he didn't notice her among her friends, she looked just like them anyway, just another empty 09er clone. But one day, when he just left Vice Principal Clemmons' office, he saw her standing in the hallway and suddenly he knew that he had seen her before. The long, brown, wavy hair, the full lips, the dark eyes, the pale skin, the long eyelashes - and like lightning the buried memory of the cheerleading movie flashed before his eyes.

She looked like the brunette.

She looked like him.


Notes: The whole thing was inspired both Carrie's and slightly younger Francis Capra's uncanny resemblance to Eliza Dusku.

The rest of the story would have run simultaneously with Season One, would have been told partially from Carrie's point of view and basically would have had Weevil financially ruining his and Carrie Bishop's father out of revenge - explaining why Carrie goes from spoiled 09er brat to coffeeshop waitress in A Trip to the Dentist. He would have done it from the inside, getting close to the family and getting close to Carrie. She would have felt drawn to Weevil without knowing exactly why until the very end, but once she did she would have probably decided that he was justified to screw their father over.
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