just like honey...

Jul 09, 2007 01:16

after so long of not understanding why you are like you are, after years of assuming that becoming normal will be like a lightbulb going on, there he is, holding you and kissing you and everything you ever feared is crushed instantly, somehow. Somewhere, in the heat of his embrace you forget you were ever scared of how tight arms can be, and how easily a man could end you.
so i find it, i finally find what everyone else is raving about, and is it moving somewhere? anywhere? i wouldn't be so invested but he is the only one in a long line of potentials that make me feel like this. with only a kiss, i'm out of my head. what the hell. it felt bigger than my life before our first kiss. i left him one night and realised there was no where else i wanted to be but back with him. and the first kiss was even better than i'd imagined. not fair. totally not fair.

i've been totally awol from LJ, i need to rectify this. i've missed like a zillion prompts for 100_ghosts...

i hate my life

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