Oct 21, 2007 13:46
So, ever since my crashing of the Fashion Week tent a month ago, my life has been rather uneventful. From time to time, i'll make unnecessary trips into SoHo just to put myself on display, or to watch others do the same, or to add to the wishlist in my head. I make my appearance in Yonkers to please the 'rents, but never willingly. BUt other than that, i'm usually in studio making up for my inadequate GPA from last year.
But for once, I wasn't working my ass off in studio this weekend. On Friday, Leandra was in town and she needed to make the most of her time here before heading back to her school in East Bumblefuck, Pennsylvania. So me and Leandra saw 2 Days in Paris with Kristen at the Angelika and it was hilarious. I mean, raunchy none the less, but not in the manner of let's say...American Pie. Then we headed over to Rope. I became inebriated rather quickly, which was a surprise. It lasted about 15 minutes i'd say, during which I attempted to initiate a conversation in French with Leandra. Then Miles and I went to Tamboril on Saturday for an excellent Cuban dinner. It always seems like an awkward first date dinner whenever we go. Maybe he's trying to tell me something. Hm....
But I think this is the way to do things, atleast for me. Work work work work and then reward myself by devoting an unbusy weekend to myself. I wish I had learned that last year.